Sunday, March 2, 2014

Setting the Record Straight..................

It has come to our attention over the past few weeks that there are rumours being spread in the Scrapbook Industry about the recent acquisition of Scrapbook Factory Shop by Scrapbook Studio, involving The Wholesaler.
Scrapbook Studio JBay started as an independent Studio in February 2009, teaching classes from a very small studio in Jeffreys Bay. The business expanded and moved to a business premises in Jeffreys Bay, September 2009.
When Scrapbook Studio started, no suppliers in the industry wanted to supply the shop, due to loyalties to other stores. Scrapbook Studio, as a home based Studio, could not purchase from The Wholesaler. This was very frustrating. Other retail stores were kind enough to supply us with selected items distributed by The Wholesaler, at a fixed price, which we could then Retail to our clients at Recommended Retail Prices.
When we acquired a business premises, we could open an account at The Wholesaler and buy directly from them. Very soon we were approached by Home Based stores who could not buy from The Wholesaler. Remembering where we came from, we started assisting them. We had an understanding with all the Home Based Stores that we supplied Wholesaler products to, that if they sold the products for less than the RRP, we would stop supplying them.
When Scrapbook Factory Shop became available for purchase, Scrapbook Studio made the decision to purchase the online business. The website had to be redesigned. This happened over December 2013. Most suppliers were closed for the December Holidays. We approached The Wholesaler, who have had a very good relationship with both Scrapbook Studio and Scrapbook Factory Shop over the years, and asked if we could copy the stock from their website. The Wholesaler has a professional, up to date Website, with current stock and products readily available. They already had a system in place where clients could order stock from their website and have it delivered to the Scrapbook Store of their choice.
Another attraction for Scrapbook Studio in acquiring Scrapbook Factory Shop, was the access to Hobby X. Because several Distributors in South Africa refused to supply to Scrapbook Studio, Scrapbook Studio had to directly import several of the stock they carry. Scrapbook Studio also supplies small home based stores with these imported products.
Scrapbook Factory Shop rented a warehouse in close vicinity to The Wholesaler and appointed staff to run the operation and pack and send the orders. Logistically it made sense to not send the stock all the way to Jeffreys Bay and then to the client, but to distribute directly from Gauteng.
If the purchase of Scrapbook Factory Shop by Scrapbook Studio has in any way lead the SA Scrapbooking Retailers to believe that there is any other relationship, apart from a Distributor/Retailer relationship between said shops and The Wholesaler, then now is the time to set the record straight.
Scrapbook Studio comes from very humble beginnings, and was born out of a passion for Scrapbooking. There was a gap in the market not being filled and Scrapbook Studio started filling it. Scrapbook Studio knows what it feels like to be a small home based store/Studio teaching others to love this wonderful hobby. Scrapbook Factory Shop's agreement to Home Based Stores/Teachers is available to anyone who qualifies. All stores/teachers that we supply, sign an agreement to Retail the products at recommended retail prices.
There are alliances between several Distributors in South Africa and Retailers. We are not in the business of trying to ruin those alliances. We understand that The Wholesaler will not distribute to Home Based Stores and Teachers and we respect their viewpoint. We do feel, however, that there are legitimate Home Based businesses and Teachers who have a following, who would also love to supply their market with some of the products The Wholesaler distributes.
In closing – it is so sad that this wonderful industry is always clouded with nastiness. We just do our thing. We have always loved Scrapbooking. We have sponsored prizes at various Conventions over the years – we did it for the love of Scrapbooking and remembering how amazing it feels to get a gift in that Goodie bag! We have supported Scrapbooking South Africa since we opened our doors and we will continue to do so, regardless of the efforts of others to bring us down.
Scrapbook Studio will continue to host Events, present classes and sell great products in store and online. Scrapbook Factory Shop will continue to supply the public and Home Based Stores/ Teachers online with selected products and bring you the best of Scrapbooking at the Expo’s
We would like to invite anyone who has a question about our businesses, to please contact us directly and not create false rumours that damage the industry


  1. Well said as at the end of the day we are all only trying to save our memories. Been disabled and more and more stores closing down it is so difficult if your normal shop is out of stock of a particular page you are trying to match up. One once to finish a page and can not , thank goodness for on line stores

  2. Jealousy in business is so childish. Well said in your post. May you grow from strength to strength.
